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Congress on 10/11/2021 - Program overview - Fit for 55 : Who paves the way ? Who pays the bill ?

CEDEC Annual Congress10 November 2021 (13:30 - 17:30) 

Fit for 55 : Who paves the way ? Who pays the bill ?

CEDEC, the European Federation of Local energy companies, is pleased to invite you to its Annual Congress, a physical meeting again on 10 November 2021 at the Stanhope Hotel (9 rue du Commerce) in Brussels. Finally we will be able to meet again in 3D, allowing us to meet personally and discuss freely. The congress will also be accessible virtually.

Seats at the congress venue are limited to 100 and attributed on a first come first served basis. So, book your ticket today!


12.00 Welcome desk

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch Buffet

13.30 – 14.30  Session 1 – Fit for 55 : who paves the way ? who pays the bill ?

The public debate on the Fit for 55 package – encompassing all energy-related policy fields to be brought in line with the necessarily ambitious 2030 climate targets - is in full swing! The proposed concrete measures will have very diverging impacts on different stakeholder groups and industrial sectors: some will flourish, some will pay the bill. Is the Package considered balanced and feasible, in terms of timing and financial implications? Will all energy consumers be able to join on the steep trail? Time for a first evaluation from some key actors in the debate.

Welcome: Florian Bieberbach, CEDEC, President

•   European Parliament, ENVI – Tiemo Wölken, Shadow Rapporteur on RED II(tbc)

•   European Commission, DG ENER – Catharina Sykow-Magny, Director Green Transition and Energy System Integration

•   Koen Locquet, Vice President - CEER, Chairman - CREG

•   Energy Cities – Claire Roumet, Strategic partnerships

•   CEDEC - Florian Bieberbach, President; CEO Stadtwerke München

Moderator : Sonja van Renssen, Editor-in-Chief, Energy Monitor


14.30 – 15.30 Session 2 – Session 2 - No time to waste technologie

On the road to full decarbonization all sustainable technologies will have to bring in their added value.  This will need to include a transition from natural gas to renewable and decarbonized gases, including hydrogen, also for transport and heating.  - depending on the. Cogeneration – linking gases, electricity and heat – should play its role as a highly efficient generation technology. Sustainable strategies must take into account the potential of local and regional resources, close to energy consumers.

•    Wien Energie – Karl Gruber, CEO (Ö)

•    Mainzer Stadtwerke - Jonas Eichinger, Head of Innovation (DE)

•    Krakow Municipal Holding – Jakub Bator, Member of the Board (PO)

•    Cogen Europe – Alexandra Tudoroiu-Lakavičė,Head of Policy


15.30 – 16.00 Break - Meet & greet

16.00 – 16.45 Session 3 – Fit for 55 & the heating revolution: the feasibility check

A crucial part of the Fit for 55 Package concerns the decarbonization of the heating of buildings, through individual or collective heating systems. Is the all-electric approach, pushing out molecules of the heating market, a feasible one? Electric is top, whatever its source? Will the required renewable energy sources, heating appliances and skilled workers be timely available?  Given the huge investments required for citizens, public entities and businesses, is there an affordability issue?

• Rheinenergie – Achim Südmeier, Chief Marketing Officer (DE)

• InRete, HERA – Marcello Bondesan, Director, Energy Asset Development (IT)

• EHI - Federica Sabbati, Secretary General

• Federal Energy Ombudsman – Eric Houtman (BE)


16.45  17.30 Session 4 – Electricity, gas and heat system operators, the flexibility enablers

Climate targets and Fit fir 55 require an acceleration for RES, sustainable transport, district heating, heat pumps and renewable and decarbonized gases – all closely connected to distribution infrastructures. This will find its reflection in a higher need for flexibility in the energy system, including energy storage and demand side management. In decentralized and better integrated energy systems, grid investments and the corresponding financing needs will have to addressed. DSOs will be the  enablers for flexibility in integrated energy systems, based on innovative tools and adequate financing mechanisms.

•    SRD - Sylvain Gomont, Chairman of the Board; Vice-President EU DSO Entity (FR)

•    Netbeheer Nederland - Dick Weiffenbach, Director (NL)

•    Fluvius – Peter De Pauw, Head of Unit Business Development & Strategy (BE)

•    EU DSO Entity – Peter Vermaat, Secretary General


19.00 Walking dinner in a famous and recently fully renovated Art Nouveau house (Hôtel van Eetvelde, Av. Palmerston 4, 1000 Brussels).


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Informations: info@cedec.com or +32 2 300.00.51