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CEDEC Annual Congress on 7 November 2024


7 November 14:00 - 17:30 

Renaissance Hotel - Brussels


13.00 - 14.00     Networking Lunch - Greet & Eat

14.00 - 15.00     Opening session

Soundtrack of the energy transition

The past EU legislative cycle went Fast Forward with a tsunami of novel and reviewed directives and regulations to make them fit for the Green Deal. The new European Parliament and European Commission will have time till 2029 – 1 year before 2030 – to develop new initiatives. Or will they Pause ?  Now is anyway implementation time to reach 2030 targets - Play ! Accompanying industry measures can enable and facilitate the urgent implementation in national laws and in company strategies. How can the Parliament and the Commission support ? What do local energy companies expect ?

Adel El Gammal - Secretary General, European Energy Research Alliance (tbc)
Jens Geier - Member of the European Parliament, ITRE (tbc)
Paula Pinho –  Director Just transition, Consumers, Energy security, Efficiency and Innovation, DG Energy, European Commission (tbc)
Urban Keussen - President, CEDEC / CTO, EWE

15.00 - 16.00     Session 2 

Securing the EU energy transition
Integrated energy systems are the answer

The rising instability of both the EU’s natural and geo-political climate make energy companies increasingly subject to man-made or natural threats to the energy system, whether from extreme weather events, cyber-attacks, or acts of sabotage. An integrated approach of energy systems and integrated energy companies offer opportunities for increasing resilience of the energy system to these various threats. However, additional support through appropriate regulatory, financial and security frameworks will be necessary in order to enable energy companies, in particular local companies close to customers and resources, to be fully prepared to face these significant challenges.   

Eva Hennig – Head of EU Energy Policy, Thüga
Federica Sabbati - Secretary general, EHI
Alexandra Tudoroiu – Head of Policy, Cogen Europe
Dick Weiffenbach – Director, Netbeheer Nederland 

16.00- 16.30      Coffee Break - Meet & greet

16.30 - 17.30      Session 3 

Implenting the EU energy transition
Combine local planning with resilience strategies

The energy efficiency, renewables and building directives will drive the planning of the heating and energy transition. Bottom-up, building on local, regional and Member State realities. Starting from local authorities, local grid infrastructures and the needs of energy consumers, a coordinated and planned approach will be necessary. At the same time, new elements of climate resilience and (cyber)security aspects of critical energy and data infrastructures will have to be integrated. Stakeholders, including industry and households, will have to be integrated in this process. Who shows the way ?

Elina Bardram - Director Adaptation & Resilience, Communication and Civil Society Relations, DG Climate Action, European Commission
Fernando Vasco Chironda - Advocacy Officer, European Anti-Poverty Network
Jean-Pierre Hollevoet - Chief Climate Officer, Fluvius
Katrien Rycken - Director, Leuven Climate Neutral 2030 (tbc)


17.30      Conclusions

Gert De Block - Secretary General, CEDEC

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With great food, drinks and music! 

At BELvue Museum – Place des Palais 7, 1000 Brussels






Information: Stacey.dimitrelos@cedec.com or +32 2 300.00.51



Galerie Ravenstein 4 B2
1000 Brussels