CEDEC Mission

What is our mission:

  1. Representing the interests of affiliated local and regional companies on European level, through a continuous dialogue with policymakers in the European institutions, and through active and constructive contributions to official working groups and Commission Fora;

  2. Promoting the exchange of information and technical and economic experience between its members, and between CEDEC and relevant European and international organisations;

  3. Delivering high value services to affiliated companies by monitoring and analysing legislative and regulatory initiatives and communicating strategically on relevant topics.

Therefore, CEDEC pursues the following activities, via its diverse organisational structures:

  •  Inform its members on upcoming and ongoing political initiatives at European level, through Board and Working Groups meetings, seminars and webinars, website & members’ portal, and newsletters;
  •  Develop common positions on timely relevant policy issues;
  •  Represent the interests of its members in their relationship with European institutions and international and national organisations;
  •  Organise internal and public meetings to promote the sharing of experience, know-how and best practices;
  •  Contribute to studies and research in the fields of economics, technology and social sciences.