Working Groups

The Working Groups in CEDEC are supporting the development of CEDEC positions and the exchange of best practices amongst members, in specific fields of expertise. Since a few years mainly organized as digital meetings, they are chaired by company or association representatives or by CEDEC.


The Working Group “Consumers” works on issues related to increasing citizens’ participation in the energy transition, strengthening the social dimension of the Energy Union and addressing energy poverty. The objectives of the Working Group are the following:

  • Inform the members about the developments in the EU’s initiatives on consumer topics
  • Gather members’ expert input to feed CEDEC‘s contributions in the Commission’s consultations and working groups on consumers
  • Prepare CEDEC’s advocacy on EU initiatives in this field.

It closely follows the activities of the European institutions in this field, in particular the preparation of the Citizen Energy package which should be delivered by the Commission by Autumn 2025. For these purposes, it provides input to several working groups from the European Commission, including the Smart Energy Expert Group and the Working Group on Energy Consumers.


The Working Group “Digitalisation”, chaired by Gert De Block (CEDEC), focuses on developments regarding digitalisation in the electricity and gas sector in light of the European Green Deal and the Commission’s digital agenda. Challenges in the fields of cybersecurity and data communication and protection will also feed into the discussion. In addition to new initiatives like the Artificial Intelligence Act and Data Act, the group will analyse the interlinkages with reviews of existing legislative measures on related topics (Open Data Directive, ePrivacy).

Energy and Climate

The Working Group “Energy and Climate”, chaired by Gert De Block (CEDEC), focuses on strategic topics related to the EU's climate and energy framework, such as the expected 2040 Climate Target, Carbon management strategy, ETS, ETS for housing and transport, taxonomy and new climate-related initiatives.

Fit for 55

The Working Group “Fit for 55”, chaired by Gert De Block (CEDEC), is a temporary group composed of experts originating from several other CEDEC Working Groups, completed with Directors of national member associations. The objective was to ensure guidance of CEDEC positioning and advocacy activities related to the European Commission’s “Fit for 55” legislative package published in 2021. Relevant proposals for CEDEC members included the review of the Energy Efficiency Directive, the Renewable Energy Directive, the EU Emission Trading System, the Energy Taxation Directive, the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.

Now that all negotiations on these European legislative files have been finalized beginning 2024, this temporary group will no longer be convened, unless for short term follow-up on related delegated or implementing acts. 


The Working Group “Gas”, chaired by Isabel Orland (VKU – DE), focuses on strategic European gas topics relevant to local and regional gas companies and gas DSOs, including the integration of renewable, decarbonized and low-carbon gases such as hydrogen and biomethane. Specific attention will be attributed to the implementation of the updated regulatory framework for hydrogen and decarbonised gas markets, as well as for the Methane Regulation.

Grid Tariffs

The Working Group “Grid Tariffs”, chaired by Ilse Malfait (Fluvius – BE), focuses on investigating the impact on energy distribution grid tariffs from new measures and new concepts in the recently updated European legislative frameworks. Simultaneously, members will have the opportunity to exchange know-how and experiences concerning grid tariff structures and planned reforms at Member State level.


The working group implementation, chaired by Gery Vanlommel (Fluvius – Belgium) aims at sharing information about the status of transposition and effective implementation at Member States level of key European legislation in climate and energy.

Recently, a large number of EU Directives and Regulations have been approved, like the Fit for55 Package and the Gas Package, which now need to be implemented in the different member states. Each member state has some freedom to implement the directives in their own way, and the goal of this working group is to map how each member state implements key elements of the EU directives. The primary objective of the working group is to log and disseminate this information, thus creating a win-win situation for all participants, for further use during implementation processes at national level.

Platform Local Broadband

The “Platform Local Broadband”, chaired by Mikael Ek (SSNF – SE), focuses on monitoring and following up EU legislation in the area of broadband infrastructure, telecommunication and related digitalisation aspects in this field of ‘essential infrastructure’.

To underpin CEDEC’s European positioning, the exchange between members will enhance the knowledge on respective national legislative frameworks, market situations and the role of local companies delivering broadband infrastructure and related services.

Smart Grids

The Working Group “Smart Grids”, chaired by Gert De Block (CEDEC), focuses on different strategic and operational aspects of smart electricity grids. Topics dealt with can be grid resilience, grid planning, efficient use of local flexibility, smart metering and customer data processing. The implementation of new concepts and new measures from the Fit for 55 Package and Electricity Market Design that are related to the focus of this group will be further followed up in 2024.